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Quiz about Pronoun Antecedent Agreement

5. November 2021

Quiz About Pronoun Antecedent Agreement

Pronoun antecedent agreement is a crucial aspect of grammar. It refers to the relationship between a pronoun and its antecedent, which is the noun or noun phrase that the pronoun replaces. Proper pronoun antecedent agreement ensures clarity and accuracy in writing. Test your knowledge about pronoun antecedent agreement with the following quiz.

1. The pronoun should agree with the _____ in gender and number.

a) verb

b) antecedent

c) subject

d) object

2. Which of the following sentences has a correct pronoun antecedent agreement?

a) Each of the girls ate their sandwiches.

b) Each of the girls ate her sandwich.

c) Each of the girls ate his sandwich.

d) Each of the girls ate its sandwich.

3. Identify the pronoun and antecedent in the following sentence: John called his mother and she said she was busy.

a) Pronoun: she; Antecedent: mother

b) Pronoun: John; Antecedent: mother

c) Pronoun: she; Antecedent: John

d) Pronoun: mother; Antecedent: she

4. Which of the following is an example of a singular indefinite pronoun?

a) all

b) some

c) both

d) someone

5. Which of the following sentences has an incorrect pronoun antecedent agreement?

a) The students turned in their papers.

b) The teacher gave his lecture.

c) The cat licked its paws.

d) The flowers bloomed and they smelled sweet.


1. b) antecedent

2. b) Each of the girls ate her sandwich.

3. a) Pronoun: she; Antecedent: mother

4. d) someone

5. b) The teacher gave his lecture. (should be: The teacher gave her lecture.)

Improper pronoun antecedent agreement can lead to confusion or ambiguity in writing. It is important to pay close attention to this aspect of grammar when editing or proofreading. By taking this quiz, you have tested your knowledge of pronoun antecedent agreement and hopefully gained a better understanding of its importance. Keep practicing and refining your skills to become a more proficient writer or editor.

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