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Material Transfer Agreement Sec

26. August 2022

If you`re in the field of scientific research, the term “material transfer agreement” or “MTA” might be familiar to you. MTAs are legal agreements that govern the transfer of biological or other research materials between two parties. These materials could include cell lines, viruses, bacteria, plasmids, and other types of samples that are used in research.

The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has also taken an interest in MTAs because of the potential for these agreements to impact the valuation of companies that rely heavily on research. In particular, the SEC has focused on how MTAs could impact the valuation of biotech companies and their research portfolios.

One of the main concerns for the SEC is that MTAs could limit a company`s ability to commercialize its research. For example, if a company enters into an MTA that restricts the use of its research materials for commercial purposes, it could negatively impact the company`s future revenue streams.

Another concern for the SEC is that MTAs could limit a company`s ability to collaborate with other companies or institutions. If a company enters into an MTA that restricts the sharing of its research materials, it could limit its ability to work with other researchers on important projects.

To address these concerns, the SEC has issued guidance on how companies should disclose their MTA agreements in their public filings. The guidance emphasizes the importance of disclosing any material restrictions on the use or sharing of research materials in MTAs. Companies are also encouraged to disclose any risks associated with their MTAs, including the potential impact on their ability to commercialize their research.

In summary, MTAs are an important tool for governing the transfer of research materials between parties, but they can also have a significant impact on the valuation of biotech companies. As a result, it`s important for companies to carefully consider the terms of their MTAs and to disclose any material restrictions or risks associated with these agreements in their public filings.

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