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Bc Assessment Collective Agreement

16. März 2023

BC Assessment is a crown corporation that is responsible for assessing the value of all properties in British Columbia. The corporation employs over a thousand people, and these employees are covered by the BC Assessment Collective Agreement. In this article, we will discuss what the collective agreement entails and how it impacts the workers at BC Assessment.

The collective agreement is a formal agreement between the employer (BC Assessment) and the employees (represented by their union, CUPE Local 1767) that outlines their terms of employment. The agreement covers a wide range of topics, including wages, benefits, vacation time, sick leave, and job security.

One of the most important aspects of the collective agreement is the wages and benefits section. This section outlines the minimum wage rates that employees will receive based on their position, level of experience, and other factors. It also provides information on benefits such as extended health care, dental care, and pension plans.

Another important aspect of the collective agreement is the job security section. This section outlines the procedures for layoffs, job postings, and rehiring. It also includes provisions that protect employees from discrimination and harassment in the workplace.

Overall, the BC Assessment Collective Agreement is a crucial document that ensures fair working conditions for employees at BC Assessment. It provides a framework for employees to negotiate their wages and benefits, and it establishes guidelines for job security and fair treatment in the workplace. As such, it is an essential tool for both employees and the employer to maintain a positive working relationship and to ensure that BC Assessment can continue to provide high-quality property assessments to the people of British Columbia.

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